Activity Details

Dr. Seuss' Stories as Tools for Critical Pedagogy

La Biblioteca General se complace en invitarle a las actividades en conmemoración del National Reading Month. La misma cuenta con varias actividades pesenciales e híbridas que se llevarán a cabo durante el mes de marzo de 2025.

Descripción:  This presentation explores how Dr. Seuss' stories can serve as a powerful tool for promoting critical thinking at any age. Several of his stories are analyzed through the lens of theoretical frameworks such as Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy, Ivan Illich’s Deschooling, and John Dewey’s Learn by Doing. My findings evidence how these texts have the potential to cultivate critical thinking in learners, empowering them to become agents of change in their communities. 

Fecha:  jueves, 6 de marzo de 2025
Hora:  10:30 am a 11:30 am
Recurso:  Prof. Emily Hernandez Giovannetti
Lugar:  Sala A, Biblioteca General  (Tercer piso)


**Se otorgará certificado de participación a toda aquella persona que participe de la actividad.

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Dra. Anidza Valentín
Directora - Biblioteca General
Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez
Tel. 787-832-4040, Ext. 2301, 3810

Thursday, March 6, 2025
10:30am - 11:30am
Biblioteca General - Sala A
UPR - Recinto de Mayagüez
  Facultad     Graduados     Investigadores     Público en general     Subgraduados  

Registration is required. There are 135 seats available.


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Biblioteca General